The Pioneer Class of ’66 Alumni Fund Initiative

As many of you heard at our 50th Reunion in September, there are some wonderful things happening at Bishop Kearney High School these days. Enrollment is up, the middle school is flourishing, a work study program is in place and the 3rd floor has been renovated to house an elite women’s hockey team that adds additional revenue to the bottom line. Bishop Kearney continues to educate, graduate and prepare students for their future in a very positive manner. The mission of the school - to empower young men and women to reach their full potential academically, spiritually, and socially in an education based on Catholic values - still resonates today.

Even with all the positive happenings there are certainly challenges facing all private schools and BK is no exception. At the reunion many people expressed a desire to help our alma mater. Many felt that as the Pioneer Class we should set an example for giving.

A seed for giving back was planted that night! As a result, the Pioneer Class of ’66 Alumni Committee was formed and, putting our our heads and hearts together, we created the Pioneer Class of ’66 Alumni Fund. This fund will give support to the school as a living and breathing initiative providing both financial assistance for scholarships and will also provide mentoring of Bishop Kearney students. The scope of abilities and talent our class possesses is a valuable resource. Besides helping monetarily we hope to share these talents and experiences as mentors to young people as they begin their journey in life. This combined initiative will renew the presence of the Pioneer Class at Kearney.

Much has been accomplished by the Alumni committee in a short time. We have worked out an agreement with a full contingent of Bishop Kearney Executives including Steve Salluzzo, President; Tom O’Neil, CEO; Michelle Cain, the Board of Trustees Treasurer and Denise Friedman, the VP of Finance to set up a fund account. A separate Bishop Kearney bank account has been set up where donated dollars will be placed. All contributions coming into the Pioneer Class of ’66 Alumni Account will be handled by the Alumni Committee prior to depositing. All disbursements from the account will go to Bishop Kearney High School after approval by both BKHS and the Alumni Committee.

Our success is based on YOUR involvement starting now, at any level of contribution. We are proud to announce that as a kickoff, we currently have $5,000 in the account and that is just the beginning! With everyone’s participation our goal is to raise $25,000 or more our first year. Your contribution can be made by:

  • CHECK: Make checks payable to Bishop Kearney High School Pioneer Class ’66 Alumni in the memo line (The memo line is important! ) Return to: Georgie Shearn BKHS Pioneer Class Your check will be deposited into the bank account for the Bishop Kearney Class of ’66 Alumni Fund. You will receive a receipt to verify your contribution. Please contact Georgie Shearn ( for mailing information. 
  • PLEDGE: Your pledge can be set up as monthly payments. Please contact Georgie Shearn ( for information.  
  • CREDIT CARD: Please contact Georgie Shearn ( for information.
  • VOLUNTEER TO MENTOR A STUDENT: If you are interested in mentoring a student please contact a committee member. We are in high gear right now in hopes of catching the holiday spirit of giving. 

Your gift is a charitable tax donation and totally deductible. Deductions for the any tax year need to be dated by December 31.

Your involvement will help ensure that the Pioneer Class ’66 Alumni Fund will be a “living legacy” fueled by our prosperity and involvement. With your help we can make this a success NOW! It is our vision to challenge the alumni classes following us to match and exceed what we are doing. This will multiply our efforts in support of Bishop Kearney. The committee has worked hard to get this in place.

Thanks to Maureen Pilato Lamb and Tom Bailey for the legal insight they provided and Phil Smith for his help in banking. We welcome a few more members, no matter where you live, to help us as we move forward. There will be follow-up planning to define goals in the next 30 days. Please feel free to contact any of the committee members listed below for more information. God bless you and thank you for your support!

Bob Case
Georgie Schulte Shearn
George Grass
Tony Mangione
Sue Bartash Spall

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